Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sometimes I just wonder.

The more I look at it the more I wonder about it. No, not to the extent that it keeps me awake at night. But I wonder how easy it is to just take a look at something and blame it for everything that has gone wrong in one's life. The truth of the matter is that it is usually a combination of many things. It never is so straightforward. But I can understand why people may chose to blame everything on one event or person in this particular matter. Its too easy. Its just too damn convenient.

In a series of events, one must consider the root cause. Not understanding the root cause will result in wrong conlusions and ultimately the wrong decisions being made. I am bringing this matter to a close. My bad on maybe not meeting some people's expectations but I sure ain't gonna feel bad for decisions beyond my control. Nuff said. Topic closed. Move on.


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    he-man says ...

    I know u close the topic & honestly i dunno what it was related to but let me tell u something... that is life ! Everyone wants an easy road either to fame & glory or merely to escape the realities of life! But the fact is if we r able to see those mistakes & learn from it & be honest about it...we have won the battle of not being 'just' another human being on this earth ! We should be proud that we r a step higher in mentality than the general population..that is what makes us different ! It takes a great person to admit mistakes but it takes a bigger person to admit, rectify & move along !

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM


    Hie he man ... i agree with you..
    Chill la.... What goes around comes around...

    Sooner or later the truth will reveal itself.. it may not b today...

    b the better man....

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    he man says ...

    Right on Pixie !!!

  4. Err. Okay. Korang ni, tau tak ape yang gua cakap in the first place? Hahaha. Thanks for the blind support though...

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    he man ..

    well a lesson for u ... next time cakap clear clear !!
