Friday, November 18, 2005

I would like to nominate He Man

... To be this blog's co-author. What do you guys think. I think he has plenty more to say than me these days since I am so busy. He Man? You want to do it? You seem to get some time in the evenings no? You can write what u like. More fun I think.

Its a SENYAP Friday

Wah. Long deserved break coming. I mean the weekend. So sad ha? This weekend there will be no conference calls. Hurray!

What do you do when you come accross a brick wall? Dead end. Cannot climb over - no ladder. Cannot go around it. Its a Dead end. You get it? What do you do? You have no idea how thick that wall is. There seems to be no door.

In such circumstances, what can one do? Ideas?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What is a Malay?

Hey, can someone answer the above question?

Its 2 mins past midnight

Got back. New maid got in. So tired that I fell asleep. Woke up at 10 plus. Went out to get a salad for dinner. Got back. Now at PC and going to bed. Will update more tomorrow. Good night planet earth. I hope to wake up sane tomorrow, more healthy than usual and back to the psychotic world of Entertainment Discovery School. I look forward to seeing the usual gang tomorrow [YEAH RIGHT!!]

Monday, November 14, 2005

Just finished my call...

Boy. This weekend was also a working one. Was on conference calls for two days. Today alone, I had two hours from 3pm, one hour from 8pm and another two hours from 9. Finished about 11. This nego better finish soon man. Fed up already. So many people on the call and the only way to get attention is to raise your voice loudest. So my voice was loudest most of the time. I just do not see how foreign folk in farway lands can feel the pulse of the client... I just dun get it.

So Hari Raya? What's that? Came and left. Passenger stranded at the station... AND its raining. Nobody told me to get a raincoat. Bastards.