Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Is KELING a derogatory word?

Is it? I have always wondered about this. I want to understand where that word came from. For blacks, its nigger - i guess from the word negro. Not sure where negro comes from though.

So Keling must have its origins too right? I read this on some kind of blog searching for meaning.. designers_n_artists: "
Recently I've been reading that the word keling is a derogatory term for Indians - which was news to me, having only encountered the word this year. Or so I thought.

Okay, I don't mean to offend so sorries in advance if I do, but isn't keling-yan (keling-human) how you say Indian person in Cantonese?

As in....Malay-yan (malay person), Thong-yan (chinese person), Keling-yan (Indian person)?"

And actually, there are so many sites that discuss this. So is Mat Saleh, Mat Rempit, Mat Motor, Ang More, Gwai Lo, Chink, Apek, Ah Kau also racist? Hmm. Dunnolah. And if I look at it, the Indians are most racist with their cast system. From the Brahmin (fair Indian) to pariah. I also a bit blur. Anybody care to comment. Pixie? Catwoman? [Serious Nih]


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    he man ...

    to me the word keling is pretty common. I learned about it when i did Bahasa Classic & Sejarah ( history) in school. If memory serves me well ( but it has know to fail me at times !! ) the term 'keling' was actually spelt ' kerling' which refers to the traders from india in particular traders from kerala during parameswara's times. So it is nothing uncanny to find this word in those old historical literature. Somehow as times pass, people often tagged this term to a refer indians & some of us at 1 point or another did crack a joke about it ( come on all of us are guilty !! ) , not the derogatory kind & not meant to disrespect our indian buddys out there. I will write more on this as now i have to run to another meeting !

  2. Hey I thought you were going to complete your entry. What telah happen? Back to Bangkok already?

  3. I personally think it is. But its just something that we use sometimes. Dunno why. Just culture? Its not meant to hurt sometimes. Its just is. Thats what it is.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    he man..

    I'm back.. not frm bangkok. Was thinking that nowadays ( dunno if u agree or not ) people are becoming less tolerant with each other esp with regards to religion & race issues.probably the rat race & the rush for material gains could be blamed for this mentality ? Read in the papers the other day, our wonderfully "intelligent " MP comments in the parliament used the K word & offended a few MPs.I used to know that back in the old days ( i m not that old la .. but this was related 2 me by the 'older' generations ) , they used to talk among themselves in the warung over kopi calling each other ' Eh .. melayu, cina or india ' & people were ok with it.. nowadays try calling the mamak stall's bangla workers .."oi india/bangla" & probably u will get whacked by the patrons instead ! I m not saying that we should address everyone by race but respect & tolerance goes hand in hand! As we r seeming being advance in many other fields somehow we r moving backwards in this area ie tolerance with other. How many of us used to hear the infamous sentence " cina / india lawan melayu " whenever we play football during our PE classes ? I have a f****ing racist cousin who says he will never marry another race for fear of having his blood being adulterated !!! Yet he has several girlfrens of all the races .. so what a f****ing racist & hypocrite, huh ?! U know that when we accepts this behaviour as norm it will become part of our lifestyle and soon turns into a tradition & very soon part of our culture. This a a dangerous path & a time bomb waiting to go off!! I was glad that my parents teaches us 2 respect other races & religion as we r growing up ( nothing like my f**ed up cousins !!) At least we know when & how to avoid certain religion rules/ conflicts when in contact with them eg india & chinese do not eat beef ( but most chinese claims they cannot tahan the smell of it instead and unless indians r christians!) , muslim cannot eat pork and etc .

  5. Wow! What an entry. Cool dude...

    Anyway, I have to agree with you [especially the old part]. The key to racial harmony is actually simple but extremely delicate - Its all to do with economics. As long as the country is prosperous, there will hardly be any issues. Wait till an economic downturn. I tell you, its just going to get messy.

    I just want to ask a question... er... nevermind, I will make this a major entry later. Toodaloo! [and am not going to toilet okay?]

  6. Anonymous3:07 PM

    He man..

    1st the salad now 'toodaloo'.. u turning to be a poof ?
