Wednesday, October 05, 2005

How is it going guys?

Are we going to buka together today? Its a month of fasting. Its a time to reflect on our mistakes, forgive, forget, 0-0,get closer to God and repent. Oh, don't forget about making those hotel bookings for break of fast too!


  1. Why don't eveyone leave early from work today (well i know some of you dun work on Mondays or have quarter days anyway!) and go buy loads of food from the bazaars and come to my place to eat it all. BTW, can someone get me air tebu please.... Haha.

    Please confirm via RSVP to my phone, this website or to Superwoman.

    Cheers! (oops. Should be "Thanks")

  2. I am already beginning to see things... everything looks like a cigarette to me!

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    he-man says ...
    happy berpuasa to all of u ! somehow i was hoping that now being the puasa month, jam kat KL tak la bad but holy s*** it was worse !! Was stuck in the jam for almost an hour from westin hotel to HSBC off kat sultan ismail !!! should have parked my car & walk ! less stress ! so papa bear can use this month to loose weight la !!

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    hey HE-MAN....

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM


    i agree damm jam.... gosh it takes me hours to be home....

    geezzzzzzz eeeeeee

  6. Anonymous5:57 PM

    catwomen said....

    hehehe...well i havent being puasa yet till now....dying without cigi man....but wish all of u guys out there good luck in this puasa month.

  7. Anonymous2:16 PM

    he man ..

    aiyaa catwoman.. lu kalu makan kat luar semua olang dunno one !!!! muka macam cina , cakap macam cina nama saja lain !!!

  8. Tapi kalau kena caught merana dalam kandang kucing. Hahaha.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    he man..

    i think for her... sap sap suey ( for those who tak paham .. it means 'no problem') .. she can scratch her way to freedom !!!

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    he man..

    i think for her... sap sap suey ( for those who tak paham .. it means 'no problem') .. she can scratch her way to freedom !!!

  11. When she is not drunk you mean. She is the honourary President of Alcos Anonymous! Otherwise she scatches indiscriminately!

  12. Anonymous3:53 PM


    I agree heheheheh
