Sunday, September 18, 2005

3 Day Birthday Bash - Day 1

Part 1

Ok. This location was a slightly dodgy one in terms of whether it was pre-planned or not. I for one knew that Zed was going to be there with some of his friend/vendor/whatever you wish to call it - who also happens to be my neighbor. The update that I got from Superwoman was that the meeting venue BEFORE going to the agreed singing joint was conveniently the Curve. The curve itself was not the issue but the coincidence of it all.

Confused? Ok. Its like this. I was told by Poison Ivy that there is no way she can make the party if it was on Saturday. So PI suggested [or rather strongly advocated Friday night as the night]. Ok. Still innocent right? Ok, now it gets interesting... We ALL know that Zed will never be able to make it on Satruday for reasons i'd like to keep private within the group. So Friday is the only option really. The fact that the CURVE was suggested would seem to indicate something pre-planned. I knew for a fact that Zed was going to be at Slippery Senoritas. So basically, I believe that some people at least knew EXACTLY where we were supposed to meet as opposed to just the Curve.
"What a coincidence, I did not know that Zed was going to be here"... she blurted.
Aha. Ha. Haaaaaaaaaa! Poison? Did I miss anything? :P

The funny [not in a bad way] was the fact that E[the vendor friend] suddenly suffered chest pains when we arrived. I sincerely hope that he is okay and that it was the fear of having to pick up the bill that made him leave in hurry squared [I don't blame him! Haha]. I picked up the bill and distinctly remember that one of my clients was there [Heh].Enough about that. So who was there? Pixie, Mawi, Dragonfly, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Superwoman, Papa Bear, Zed, Lady Merc and Butterfly. Some of us ate, others were fasting ahead of the month to payback their lost days last year due to scheduled bleeding [maybe] even though it was for dinner. Hey, you guys got too much sin is it? [dun answer! Rhetorical question - go look up the dictionary if you still have that blank look].

Oh, there was one more old member, I shall call him 'et alii' who had just arrived from Ipoh after allegedly driving 190KPH in a journey that only took 1 Hr 10 Mins. So we all had a good chat about nothing at all and Papa Bear picked up the bill... only to have to down a "flaming" that was oooh.. about 3 feet tall. Geez. First timer. It tasted like a mint drink that you could probably buy from the reject shop somewhere. My throat and tummy certainly felt the impact. Thank you Zed for the sponsored drink! And ashamedly, it took only about 10 mins before it started to impact my sensory neurons. Phoa.

I will attach some photos once the women pass them on to me - please get the videos to me too okay? Need the picture of my straw catching fire. Oh, and that photo session, with all your funky phones and its picture capture capabilities... first time I felt how [to a small degree I guess] it must feel to be famous. Everybody was looking, and there were so many phones capturing the scene - including from the table next door! [did u notice?].

Before moving on to the orginall destination for the night, Catwoman insisted that we check out that club with the Garlic logo on it. Sure enough, initial assessment reports came out "tut-toooooooooot!". Nope. Not the right place. Zed already knew this, as Mr. Cool has never heard of the joint.

We then proceeded to the escalator to the next joint when suddenly, I started smelling rabbits... I knew something was up. Oh... did I start smelling fish too?? Oh boy... here it comes.

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