Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Its 2 mins past midnight

Got back. New maid got in. So tired that I fell asleep. Woke up at 10 plus. Went out to get a salad for dinner. Got back. Now at PC and going to bed. Will update more tomorrow. Good night planet earth. I hope to wake up sane tomorrow, more healthy than usual and back to the psychotic world of Entertainment Discovery School. I look forward to seeing the usual gang tomorrow [YEAH RIGHT!!]


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    he man ..

    papa bear and salad ??? It does not jive ! what u trying to do .. loose weight ? y ? U r not attenting yoga classes, r u ?

  2. {He Man} - No ler. Just a crazy craving for it. Dunno why. Stuffed myself with Starbucks' salad. Not bad but not great. And NO, do not physically qualify for yoga being a fat bastard that I am.

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    he man..

    craving for salad... bro.. this is serious ! tot u were a meat man or as per my weird colleague calls it.. meatarian ( is there such word ?)I don't think u r a fat bastard but maybe be gravitically challanged !! ha ha ha !! anyway fat or not , i m sure u can still bend for yoga.... might not b able reach yr toes but as long as u try .. eventually u will touch it !

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM


  5. {He Man} - Fuck you you

    {Superwoman} - Ape gelak gelak? I want to see you do it - without bending your knees.

  6. Anonymous4:52 PM

    he man..

    papa bear- rilek la brader !!! Just suck in yr stomach & bend !! ha ha ..

    superwoman - don la kutuk papa bear.. i think u will have a hard time if u attend a yoga class too! Infact i think all of us will.. kalau all of us attend, the sound we will hear are ' pop','crackle','snap' ... our bones breaking!!

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

    or....a big 'PROTTTTTT'...and 'PRAAAAP'

  8. Anonymous2:47 PM

    pixie in da house...

    heheheheh what a joke... hehehehe
