Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri

Could me my last entry until I get back from my "kampung" in JB. I will endevour to drive carefully and I hope to get back in one piece myself! In the mean time, everyone be good okay?

I will also try to muster some courage to re-engage Mawi. No comms, shy already ma. What to do?

Right now am burning as many CDs as I can for the car. Need to load up some content man! Need to get that MP3 player for my carlah. If not, I can only burn limited songs. Radio on the North South is pretty crappy unitl I get to the JB area - when I can start listing to the "cooler" Singapore stations.

So Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin from the bottom of my gut. May the new year bring us more luck, be more faithful to God [hmm dichotomic statement? Luck and God does not go togther no?], work harder, play harder [moderated a bit la], stop smoking, be successful in our jobs, get closer to our families, obtain more Rezeki and live longer. InsyaAllah.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot one thing also - muster enough courage to obtain our dreams. Never an easy thing. Easy to say but when faced with adversity, we often lose steam. May all your dreams come true.

    [Esp for those who are STILL single] - err, all of you perhaps? [Heh].
