Sunday, November 20, 2005

...and Speaking of TRANSEXUALS

What on earth is going on? Malaysia? Transexuals? Front Page?

That heshe [sounds like a sneeze to me] that married big time in a church in Sarawak really created a stir didn't err... heshe? Now EVERYONE is a friggin TRANSEXUAL. Anybody who is remotely err... what should I call it... hmm.. not so pretty, or wears too much make up is one.

The whole country is up in arms over this. This is a real issue that we face today. What drives them to do it? Okay, being gay is one thing at least they dun change themselves or CUT anything off! Transexuals?? What gives? Do we really need to add a third gender to our ICs - like a "OTHER" or something? Man!... er... Woman! err... THING! What can I say.

Just now had dinner with my family at a local mall and this heshe was serving and I tell you... with a face like J Lo and a voice like Barry White, sent shivers down my spine. You see, normally when you call a brader to order, you say "BANG!" or if a woman, you say "KAK!".

So what the FISH do you address these blokes? "BENGKAK"? or maybe "HEY BENGKErK!"

I tell you, not easy okay? What would have called him? Ha? This guy had boobs but was wearing pants. At least kalau skirt boleh get away with Kak kot. Half half nih tak tau ler..


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